Judeann (pronounced Judy Ann, which is in fact my real name) is the founder of Judyism, an earthy wisdom and doctrine whose followers are likely to enjoy reading personal anecdotes about dogs and family, home and garden, and life in general.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Quilt Journal

This morning I started a new blog to share and write about my quilts. I'm not sure how to direct you to it other than type the url, or suggest you go to my profile and click on that blog.


I like blogger, and am figuring out what I want to do here. This quilt journal is a must. Judyism, my original blog, will trend more toward memoirs - the telling of stories from my past experiences that make me "Me". There will be at least one more blog to come. I'm not sure anyone is actually reading me yet, including my "followers", but that's all right now. I just need to write about stuff. And if others - family, friends, quilting buddies and dog friends - find it interesting, that will make it fun.

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